Anna Gringauze

CppCon 2018: Anna Gringauze “Static analysis for concurrent C++ in Visual Studio”

Committee Fireside Chat - CppCon 2019

C++Now and CppCon, the View From Inside - Robin Kuzmin - C++Now 2019

CppCon 2019: Robert Schumacher “Don't Package Your Libraries, Write Packagable Libraries! (Part 2)”

Talks and Highlights From CppCon 2018!

CppCon 2017 Bringing Clang tidy Magic to Visual Studio C++ Developers

How Can I Enforce the SEI CERT C Coding Standard Using Static Analysis?

Your first time creating C/C++ project with SciTools Understand. Help is here!

Using clang as a Frontend on a Formal Verification Tool

Things I learned from the static analyzer - Bart Verhagen - Meeting C++ 2019

C4GC: CoreCpp: Mar18

Static Program Analysis (part 2/2) - Anders Møller - PLISS 2019

Vika plays sax

Feedback on practical use of C++17 std::recursive_directory_iterator - Noel Tchidjo [ CppCon 2018 ]

Improving software quality using Visual Studio 11 C++ Code Analysis

CppCon 2017: Victor Ciura “Bringing Clang-tidy Magic to Visual Studio C++ Developers”

Higher Order Functions for ordinary developers - Björn Fahller - Meeting C++ 2018

FSTTCS2019 S005 Validating Optimizations of Concurrent C/C++ Programs

Code Analysis (Visual Studios)

Closing the Gap between Rust and C++ Using Principles of Static Analysis - Sunny Chatterjee - CppCon

More on Pointers, Memory Leaks - CSE100 Programming with C++ 4/10

Cppcheck Nhóm 12

Visual Studio Code Analysis Part 1

Visual Studio Code Analysis Part 2